Archivado en: Playas, Destacados
por garyopa en Mar 17th, 2013
Justo en las afueras de Barahona, es la ciudad maravillosa llamada Bahoruco, hogar de las minas de Larimar de fama mundial, y tiene un poco de costa increíble con playa bonito que es también famosa por su Surf'ing del Sur, que es raro encontrar en el lado sur del mundo más pacífico océano en la isla República Dominicana, pero la zona este se pone muy duro y hace que para algunos surf increíble, y si eso no es su taza de té, es todavía un...
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Archivado en: Playas, Destacados
por garyopa en Mar 17th, 2013
If you are out for nice coastal drive, make sure you stop by the Cabo Rojo beach, it is about 100 Km. West of Barahona, but well worth it to see the many pelicans resting on the rows of buoys from Bauxite Mining company that has now moved elsewhere making this narrow beach more popular now as it offers nice relaxing cooler tropical ocean water without the strong waves due to the local layout of natural coastline.
It is recommended if you are s...
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Archivado en: Playas, Destacados
por garyopa en Mar 17th, 2013
Just a short drive outside Barahona along the amazing coastline towards Paraiso, you will find the very natural Saladilla beach, a perfect place to get away from it all, as there is no tourist infrastructure here.
The Saladilla beach is also perfect peaceful and still amazing wonderful tropical setting to have your own private BBQ party away from the local Barahona city, and you can even try your hand-out in doing some local fishing and if you...
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Archivado en: Playas, Destacados
por garyopa en Mar 17th, 2013
The Los Patos beach is located along the Barahona-Enriquillo highway, is worth the drive as it has amazing view of costal scenery, and on the weekends is packed with local 'food stalls' serving you various Dominican food at affordable prices, along with parking lot attendants.
And if you not into swimming in the warm tropical ocean or suntanning on beach, located nearby is the La Chorrera natural spa, which is a fresh water swimming pool forme...
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Archivado en: Destacados, Información
por garyopa en Mar 15th, 2013
Barahona es un oasis tropical en la hermosa isla de La Española, un paraíso de vida perfecta justo al lado de la impresionante maravilloso océano verde-azul del Caribe, y está situado en el extremo sudoccidental de la República Dominicana.
Esta BarahonaBarahona.com sitio contiene toda la información que usted necesita para planificar el futuro ya sea justo antes de visitar esta hermosa zona en sus próximas vacaciones.
O si usted ha d...
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